Monday, May 13, 2013

Team Project

Title: Ship Wreck Meow

Description: We will provide a few characters to the user. The user’s mission is to guide the selected cat to save the sinking ship.

Overview of Play: The user will arrive at the start screen and select a character. Using keyboard commands, the user will control over the characters actions including running and jumping.  In this side-scroller, the objective of the game is to save the ship by reaching checkpoints.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Project Control List:
(Person - Contribution)

Alison Hough - Character animation, coding support, background stationary artwork

Nick Kurland - Character animation, coding, background support.

Jackson Mitchell - Background animations, some help with foreground objects.
 Casey Wold - Background animations, some help with foreground objects.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Project Proposal

Team Ship Wreck
Project Proposal

The basic overview of our project has a similar feel to the original Super Mario Brothers game or a more modern game, Fun Run; a side-scroller with the basic commands of jumping and running left or right. Our game will take place on a badly damaged ship.  At the main menu, the user will select a character (one of four pirate cats). Your mission at hand is to get to the other side of the ship to save it from sinking. What we hope to do is have coins available to collect as the user travels across the ship. The coins will award the user more time to save the day.

The four different characters will be made by each of our group members. Since we have four people in our group we will all design one of the characters. They could possible evolve into something other than cats but our main characters will certainly be members of our feline crew. Like Mario, our character will have a simple order from the user: run and jump. By using the arrow keys and the space bar, the characters will be able to save the sinking ship.

Our game will be on a sinking ship therefore, our characters will be running through a maze of broken ship parts, barrels, fallen wood, fires, ect. In the background will be a tropical environment that includes the sky, waves and possibly birds.